Monday, May 3, 2010

Flinthills Spring

After a brutal and long winter, Tabby, Spencer, and I spent some time in Oklahoma with our friends and to see the Norman Music Festival. We had snow this year on the ground in Lincoln from December 8 to March 7, so it was great driving down I-77 through the Flint Hills and seeing the country in springtime bloom, especially the dogwood trees.

On the ocean-sky of the Southern Plains.

Mehgan Hayes sessioning in front of the Hayes compound in Ponca City.

Spencer giving the skateboard a try.

Brad Hayes, master craftsman and sesh master. Check out his new book of paintings, But I Did... It's for sale on his site, Sharklahoma.

Susan Shores at the Norman Music Festival. We were hanging out in front of the Opolis, waiting to see the legendary Debris' play. All of our friends were there and it was a pretty fun time.

Phil Rodriguez.

Ron Haas.

Matt Bokovoy.

This James, our friend Mac's son.

Spencer playing at James' house in Moore.

Jeremy Gragg.

Charlies Shores and the dudes from Debris'.

A gas tank in Stillwater, OK.

Our friends Crystalline and Joey's acreage.

Joey took Spencer fishing in their pond, and this is the catch for the day.