Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fall into Winter Snow

We ended up seeing lots of family and friends over the fall down in Oklahoma and also back East. This photograph was taken at the Ponca City skatepark in November when Brad and I took Spencer to hang at the park. He was interested in the ramps for about 10 minutes, dropping in butt-slide style on the almost vertical part. Then we hit playset, the preferred play area for 3-year-olds. As they say, you have to let your kids find their own way, and maybe Spencer will play the tuba in the High School band or become a hairdresser. That's cool with us!

Bradley Hayes with Spencer.

Tabby and Spencer went to Buffalo in October to visit family, and this riding session was at Uncle Frankie and Aunt Mo's house.

At the pumpkin patch, with Tara.

These next set of photos were taken after the first blizzard hit Lincoln in early December. We had 4 more blizzards after that, I think. For the first one, I was in Philadelphia and got in the night the blizzard began to hit Lincoln. It was super hairball driving my rear-wheel drive 1972 Ford LTD the 4 miles from the airport to the house. I barely made it home, fishtailing it the whole way even at 20-25 miles per hour. How they drove those in snow back in the day is unexplainable.

In the backyard in the snow.

Nala, our dog, gave the snow a whirl despite having arthritis, but we had to carry back in after about 5 minutes. Old dogs are very stubborn, especially ours.

Spencer was too young to really know what the snow was last year in Oklahoma, so he was eating it, and figuring out what to do with it.

We built a snow igloo in the backyard and also a snowman (which is still there after 2 months!), but I had to finish the igloo later, since he demolished it by jumping on it.

We had Christmas at Pat's house in Annapolis this year, and all we did was eat a lot for 12 days, since the first blizzard that hit us in Lincoln struck the East Coast 2 days later with over 2 feet of snow in Washington, DC. So we got to see that snow twice. The highlight of the holidays was the Christmas Eve dinner at Tara's old house in Mount Pleasant in DC, where Pablo roasted a 28 lb. pig over coals on a spit for 9 hrs. before the dinner. We joked that Pablo was a Chilean hillbilly, but boy was that delicious.

Tara decorating Christmas cookies.

Kestrel opening presents.

Pat supervises the cookie making factory.

Tabby just got a fisheye lens, so here's some samples.

When my friend Dave lived at Tabby's house in South Philadelphia, we used to wake up to Dave cooking breakfast for us, and that always included a heaping plate of bacon, as Dave is the king of anything that has pork products in it. Hopefully his Philly uncles will approve, and maybe Scrapple will be next?

Well, maybe he won't become a tuba player or hairdresser, but an artist. If that's the case, I'll build an apartment and painting studio for him on our back lot. After the wrecking of the economy, I'm sure most children at back at home with the parents, so that's fine with us.

This is at the Agar Play Center in Lincoln.

Uncle Frankie and Aunt Mo in Buffalo got this t-shirt for Spencer, as there was much Yankee mania going on there during the world series.